The Truth

It has been said if you got nothing nice to say then don't say it. I go with a more real approach
"I wouldn't say something behind you back that I wouldn't say to your face.
This idea has made me think about what I'm going to say before I say it.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


    Now people that know me I can't stand IOS thats my feelings. But as a tech geek I must say the way Apple has done things makes it flawless (only the death grip was a problem).
    By having complete control over the hardware, software, and apps there is never any problems. For those who don't want the hassle involved with setting anything up or trying to dig though endless searches. Even if don't like iTunes syncing your phone could not be any easier. Those who want it to work right the first time out of the box then iPhone is just right for you. With a lot of my friends asking me questions about tech I have never had an IOS problems come my way. Up in till resent iPhone was only on AT&T and cost some major cash. So if you didn't the money or for what ever reason didn't like AT&T the the only other chose you had was to go Android.
   Android is a different story. Offering a lot of what iPhone has and more. But that comes with its own set of problems. What makes Android so popular is that its made by all major phone makers, on all carriers, at all price ranges. For a phone maker to get Android on their device it cost them NOTHING just an agreement to put Google Market on the phone. Just that easy. Now the fun begins. For people that love to customize things or even have a different look on the phones Android can work for you. But now you start looking through the market and that place is a mess. More free apps then anyone else. Cause its all about the ads that Google can push to the phone (the real money maker). Not to mention  not all apps can work on all Android phones. These are the kind of questions I get trying to help some people find app, work the widgets, or even problem with official phone updates. Programmers work hard to make there own version of Android work. But having so many phone makers with different hardware configuration can slow things down. Even the carries make issues on the phone.
    In short would I ever get an iPhone never but would get one for my wife (she like the hassle free part ans well as the simplicity of use) Me I'll stay with Android but I'M a geek like that.

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